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Donor Privacy Policy

Article I: General

MontanaPBS strives to protect any information you may provide to us. We respect your right to privacy and have systems in place to ensure it is maintained.

Article II: Data Security

Pledges or orders placed online are done so through a secure server that encrypts any financial information you submit to us. This means that, in the unlikely event your information is intercepted, it would be unreadable. All the information you provide to our organization is used only for the transaction for which it was intended.

Article III: List Sharing

MontanaPBS does not share or sell its membership list to any third party. We will use your information to contact you should a question arise, and we will send membership reminders and special mailings when appropriate. If you do not wish to receive additional mailings, please contact us at

Article IV: Disclosure and Anonymous Gifts

MontanaPBS will, when instructed by a donor, provide anonymity for certain designated and undesignated gifts. As a matter of editorial transparency and integrity, MontanaPBS will not accept anonymous gifts for specific productions and will recognize and acknowledge all designated production donors.

Last updated and approved by the Friends of MontanaPBS board on August 15th, 2014